To stay green and beautiful, your lawn has to be properly nurtured. Due to its strong root system, a healthy grass will fight off invading weeds, be more disease resistant, and require less watering. Warm-season and cool-season grasses require differing amounts of fertilizer. Read the steps below if you're not sure what sort of grass you have. You can choose the best lawn fertilizer for your needs by determining the type of grass you have.
Know Your Zone and Calculate Your Lawn Space
It's essential to understand your climate zone so you can select the appropriate fertilizer for your grass kind. Temperature, precipitation, sun exposure, and humidity all have an effect on how grass grows in your location.
You can compare different varieties of grasses to identify which one you have once you've determined your climate zone. Learn more about the grass types that are appropriate for your climate zone.
When fertilizing your lawn, the first step is to figure out how much fertilizer you'll need. To do so, you'll need to figure out how big your grass is in square feet. Areas lacking grass, such as flower beds and pathways, do not need to be measured. Measuring your grass is easier with a measuring wheel.
Fill a Lawn Spreader and get it ready to go.
Next, look for the suggested setting on your lawn spreader on the instructions on the fertilizer package. The amount of fertilizer that will be spread is determined by this. The larger the hole size in the hopper, and thus the more fertilizer spread on the grass, the higher the setting. Adjust the spreader's setting accordingly.
Make sure the hopper hole is closed before filling the spreader with fertilizer. On a firm surface, such as a driveway or sidewalk, fill the hopper. This will keep a potential spill from destroying or flooding a section of your lawn.
If the hopper of the lawn spreader is overfilled, the lawn spreader will become difficult to manage. An edging option on your lawn spreader may assist you to avoid spreading fertilizer on your driveway, sidewalk, or pathway. If that's the case, switch it on before fertilizing that area. Follow all other operating directions specified by your lawn spreader's manufacturer.
Fertilize the Lawn
Make header strips around the edge of the grass when applying fertilizer. For each pass, these header strips provide simple beginning and ending positions.
Always push the lawn spreader rather than pulling it, and walk slowly. The rate at which the fertilizer is laid is affected by your speed.
Make header strips around the whole perimeter of your lawn if it is oddly shaped. Then work your way inward from there. Use parallel strips to go up and down the lawn.
As you make your passes, keep the hopper chute open. When you reach the end of a strip, stop, or make turns, close the hopper chute. You will avoid generating saturated places and wasting fertilizer by doing so.
Avoid tipping the grass spreader over by being cautious when maneuvering it on slopes.
Clean the Spreader and Water the Lawn
Check for any fertilizer that may have spilled into your driveway, sidewalk, or pathway after you've finished covering the lawn. Clean these areas with a broom and dustpan. Minerals found in fertilizers can discolor concrete. After you've scooped up any leftover fertilizer, you can reapply it to the lawn in little amounts.
Apply the lawn spreader on the lawn and then rinse it with a garden hose. This makes it possible to use fertilizer that has become caught in and around the spreader. Thoroughly clean the hopper plate and wheels. Before storing the lawn spreader, make sure it's completely dry.
Using a lawn sprinkler, thoroughly water the lawn. This will incorporate the fertilizer's nutrients.
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Jazlyne is a prominent landscaping company in the UAE that can add creative design features to your garden landscape to make it more gorgeous and useful. We provide decorative plants and flowers to brighten up your interiors and make you feel more at ease. Other services of Jazlyne include, artificial plants, preserved plants, hardscaping, softscaping, green walls and maintenance.