supplied artficial plants spathyfillum plant, travellers palm, bamboo plant, schefflera gold capala plant.
High-quality Artificial plants imported.
- DSC_0576 - 40x40cm stainless steel matt finish planter planted with 180cm travelers palm. artificial
- DSC_0579 - assorted calla Lilly plants on sitting bench divider.
- DSC_0574 – Rexus artificial hanging plants.
- DSC_0562 - artificial white color orchid with lechuza classico tabletop planter. 25x15cm
- DSC_0520 - artificial travelers palm.
- DSC_0519 - artificial pink orchid with lechuza pots.
- DSC_0507 - artificial 40x40cm stainless steel matt finish planter planted with 180cm artificial ficus benjamina plant.
- DSC_0504 - same above
- DSC_0501 - above
- DSC_0489 - artificial zebra plant and Miranda plant assorted.
- DSC_0464 - 40x40cm stainless steel matt finish planter plated with 180cm artificial bamboo plant.
- DSC_0448 - 40x40cm stainless steel matt finish planter plated with 150cm Schefflera compacta plant.
- DSC_0290 - artificial mixed plants display.