There are certain crucial elements to consider before you begin planting, whether you are entirely remodeling your landscape or simply making a few modifications. Many people rush to their local gardening supply store to look for the possibilities. But before that, we have to make a plan beforehand on the selection of plants that meet our needs and thrive in our landscape. Initially we get excited to purchase plants that appear lovely in the store, but later we discover that they are inappropriate for our setting. These pointers will assist you in developing a strategy and getting started on the path to a beautiful, unified, and healthy landscape.


Budget is the first thing to be considered when creating a landscape. Nothing is more frustrating than getting close to the end of a job only to discover you don't have enough money to complete it. Make a note of all the alterations you wish to make, as well as the plants and elements you want to incorporate into your garden. Determine the approximate cost of each of these projects, either on your own or with the assistance of a professional landscaping company. Remember to calculate labor, equipment, soil, compost, mulch, water, seeds, and plants, as well as special features like stones, fountains, and other landscaping elements when preparing a budget.

Know your yard

When designing your landscape, consider the climate in your area, the terrain of your property, and the soil type. Keep in mind that your yard's individual characteristics, such as the amount and time of light and shade exposure, are likely to create a microclimate. Microclimates are commonly divided into four categories: full sun, moderate shade, shade, and deep shade. Keep in mind the microclimate when choosing plants for your landscaping. Topography and water drainage in your site are very important when making a landscape. Water will flow away from your house and into other regions of your yard with the best landscape design.

Uses of your Yard

Consider who will be using your yard and what they will do with it. Are there any children or pet animals in your home? Do you conduct parties in your backyard? Remember that selective plantings and hardscapes can help you create separate spaces for different purposes in your landscape. People can move from one region to another by using walkways.

Decide a theme

A theme can help you unite your landscape while also guiding your plant and material choices. You have to consider the architecture of your home when deciding on a theme for your yard. Try to be as matching as with your home’s architecture as the yard is an extension of your home. Plants, decorations, hardscapes, and constructions can all be placed and selected using themes as a guide.

Choose your plants

Determine how your plants will work in your landscape early in the process of design. Plants may provide you with a variety of benefits, including fresh and tasty fruits and vegetables, stunning sceneries, pleasant aromas, and much more. Plants can be utilized to divide sections within your landscape and to indicate where it ends. Plants can be used to create physical barriers in your landscape, restricting both views and access. Low-growing plants can be used to create implied barriers that limit access but not the view if you want to keep your views open but preserve certain obstacles.

Pay attention to detail

Plants, hardscapes, and garden ornaments all have distinctive visual characteristics, ranging from different forms and shapes to a variety of colors and textures. You may build a unified and captivating landscape by considering how these visual features can complement and contrast one another. Consider the smells of the plants you choose for your landscaping to enhance the experience you create for those who visit your garden. You also should have a basic awareness on when flowers will blossom and be fragrant.

Protect your resources

You can help protect and maintain the environment by planting resource-efficient plants, using water wisely, and installing eco-friendly hardscapes. Determine whether plants need to be removed from your landscaping or if they can be relocated to another part of your yard before removing them. Look for resource-efficient plants that require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides while you're looking for new plants.

Choose the best landscape design from Jazlyne

Jazlyne is a first-class landscaping company in the UAE. You can try our new design features to your garden landscape to make it more gorgeous and useful. We also provide decorative plants and flowers to brighten up your interiors and make you feel more at ease. If you want to live your life amidst tranquil greenery without spending too much, Jazlyne would be your best option

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